Wednesday, May 9, 2012

no, my life's not boring. but thanks. how's your day?

nooooooooo, i don't drink. noooooooo, i don't have sex. nooooooooooo, my life's not boring.

but thanks for generalizing me into some huge genre where we're all the same and i'm a pussy if i'm NOT (the same).

i'm IRRITATED that every FIVE SECONDS i have to choose whether or not to halt all normal conversation JUST SO everyone in the circle knows that i don't agree with what's being said.

i'm ANNOYED that people think that beer and sex is all there is to life.

AND YOU KNOW WHAT, i say anybody that thinks that and makes fun of me for NOT thinking that actually has a very different version of life that they go by. SO GO BY IT. do whatever you want! you might be fine, relatively speaking, and you might not be and it might all depend on the day but ALL IN ALL, WE'RE DIFFERENT PEOPLE.

your fun is probably not my fun. you probably think i'm a goody good on a pedestal. i probably think you're insecure and if you were really confident in your life decisions THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE TALKING SO MUCH SMACK. if you were REALLY confident in your decisions then you wouldn't CARE what i thought and you wouldn't FEEL like i'm JUDGING you even though we really don't even know each others' NAMES.  you go make your decisions and GET SOME PEOPLE SKILLS because if you're gonna be the way you are then you better get comfortable.

not that i think you should be comfortable. for those of you uncomfortable you should probably not ignore that and do something about it. i recommend, seriously and genuinely, that you talk to jesus. and read a bible. i like the english standard version in case you're wondering. chasing religion is and forever will be a waste of your time. get the real deal from the beginning. jesus. yes. k. we're done.

and while i'm at it, i'm honestly gonna say that if you're comfortable now making the choices you're making and those choices mainly include sex and alcohol, i'd bet some day you're NOT gonna be comfortable. and then i'd refer you to the paragraph just before this one.


for crying out loud.

if you decide not to be civil then you owe me one because it ain't gon be fun putting up with you until you decide otherwise.

but then...i owe jesus like infinite amounts so, you and me, we're straight. BUT JUST SO YOU KNOW, i have to pray to get along with you.

for some reason i get satisfaction from saying that. i hope i don't have a breach of conscience and have to take that down because i LIKE that satisfied feeling i've got right now.....

we'll go with it.

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