Friday, October 21, 2011

i am NOT that kinda girl!

NO. i do not plan my life.
NO. i do not daydream about my future man.
NO. i have no desire to EVER have a white picket fence in my possession.
NO. i don't get excited to be pregnant and have sweet bouncing babies all over the fricken place.

i'm just not that girl. girls that are that girl are cool. but i'm not them. anyway..

you know the tin man off the wizard of oz? dorothy comes along and he's in miserable shape. he's all rusty and crap's stuck inside his joints and he's frozen in an awkward position. dorothy eventually grabs the oil can and greases him up and he slowly limbers up...what i'm going for here is the sound effect of the tin man's rusty joints being brought back into commission.

visual aid:

that sound effect is how i've been feeling this week. started off solid and frozen and miserable. then, it's kinda felt like some of my rusty spots have been getting oiled by joint at a time.

so, basically, it's been a long week. but NOW on friday, i feel lots better. and here's what god's been putting in my head. and i'm way excited about it.

k. here's what i wanna do in life. here's what i feel like GOD might wanna do with my life. how cool if he did. and if he decides otherwise, then i'm expecting something that, in my opinion, would be better suited for me. anyway. here we go:

i DO wanna work in the foster care system or in/around adoption agencies/orphanages.
i DO wanna work with "the least of these" (whoever they are and whatever they look like).
i DO wanna get married.
i DO wanna adopt kids and NEVER have my own. EVER. EVER. (this will be addressed prior dating my future husband. if he's not on board 100% then we AIN'T gettin hitched). so much so that i wanna get my tubes tied so that i can't have my own kids. and i never wanna be a surrogate mother because i think everyone should just adopt, anyway.
i DO wanna fight mortal combat the enemy and what he's trying to bring about in the United States. i used to wanna go overseas but the more i learn about the US the more i gotta weight in my gut that's telling me there's lots of hurt that needs helping here.
i DO wanna get married in a court house. i don't wanna spend money on things i don't care about. aka weddings. but, please, feel free to send gifts regardless. :)
i DO wanna dump my heart and energy into raising kids that we adopt and i REFUSE to let anyone else raise our kids. praying god will provide a way for me to be a stay at home mom. i won't agree to having kids if i can't be the one to raise them.
i DO wanna do whatever god wants and i WON'T be content with a mundane life. i don't need it to be hip and happenin all the time, but god's NEVER NOT passionate about stuff that's on his, i plan on him giving me the grace to keep a fire stoked in my gut about the things he cares about. cuz i wanna care about them, too.
and i DO plan on riding really big roller coasters every chance i get.
and it WOULD be awesome if my husband had a passion for stealing children out of brothels. i will drive the escape car. that'd be sweet. i heard somewhere that 90% of prostitutes at one time were in the foster care system.
WHICH brings us full circle. i wanna adopt. THE. END.


1 comment:

  1. Micah, you are so cool. But not you, Jesus. I like how you are among the few who are so restless for Him and what He wants. 1 Cor 15:58
