Monday, April 4, 2011

mary lied.

interesting train of thought. who can deny? everyone. anyone can deny it. but it's written on the sidewalks of the UNI campus which begs me to believe that people are wondering.  i'm sick of questions not getting answered. i'm sick of phrases like "jesus loves you" being written underneath the colored chalk that used to draw hopscotch and four square but now is put to use for attack and question, philosophy and religion, reason and rights: why none and all should have them. chalk is the conduit for freedom on this campus and it SCREAMS, i tell you. literal volume that screeches in the ears of its opposition whose only defense is to muffle the noise with an overlap and a flower. and maybe a smiley face. depending on how bubbly they feel today. jesus loves you!

which is true. but.

the love of jesus isn't really the case in point. whether or not the virgin mary fricken whored around and got knocked up by someone other than the holy spirit IS. it's a question of whether or not people of varying genders are DOING OKAY. it's a question of whether or not the bible is true because I KNOW we all wanna know.  and you can prove that the bible is consistent with itself--people do it all the time--but that's not helping necessarily the question of its divinity because THAT'S the seed that's gonna sprout a life changed.  prove to me that this life is worth living and don't INSULT me with your weekly prayer meetings, time and place, smiley FACE drawn oh so fourth grade-like when i'm LOOKING for someone to take me on and take the time it'd take to get. to. know. me. and then to see that i want my questions answered.  same as everyone else on this campus, city blocks wide that are all-consumed with academia and bills but are left still oozing with questions that mess up their minds like their laundry after they run out of quarters.  i tried hard for that analogy.

what i'm saying is that it bothers me that we've got nothing better to say then that. then 'jesus loves me and you do, too".  and cue mental picture of satan drawing a needle, shoving it in our brain and injecting novacane so that no thought comes to conclusion and no question is raised higher than the ground its written on.  so, i'm sorry all y'all that have legitimate questions. hard questions that might sink a little deeper and effect you a little more than a chalky pink or blue can justify. questions that some christians have stepped over; pissed that people "can even WRITE that and where's my scrub brush and warm water, i'll have this gone in no time."

so. did mary lie? i say no. is that a good question? yes. do i have a paper trail proving i'm right? not off-hand. do i reject the idea that jesus loves gays and bi and trans? no. he totally does. do i question if the church can handle a debate in which the opposing side is INTELLIGENT?


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