Thursday, September 5, 2013

hello from clinton! and this is the first new blog in like a year. whatever.

HI! this is where i tell you how great it is being married in a new town with a new name and a new life.

if you know anything about me, you'll sense the sarcasm.

NOT LYING, i love being married and i love that the husband is obligated to be my constant best friend for the rest of my life. WOOT.

we both like most of the same things so hanging out isn't too difficult. i'd say we're pretty easy-going people and i very much like having him around.

so, now we're moved to a new city..Clinton... and... i've seen better. BUT REALLY, it's been a mother of a transition. my body decided to come down with every string of sickness it could possibly think of and since a month before we got married until now, i have been on antibiotics non-stop. aka, i have been "woe is me" on the living room couch for basically our entire marriage. ROMANTIC.

and, being a slight workaholic, the fact that i'm unemployed has ALSO been playing into the "woe is me." praise the lord JOE has a job otherwise we'd be sunk.

working/applying myself at SOMETHING to get a paycheck makes me feel worthwhile. having a social group that i can interact with makes me feel worth. having a healthy stance in life where i can worry about the not healthy people makes me feel worth. and, might i add, having some sort of outlet that would allow my husband or EYE to feel somewhat like ourselves...would make me feel worth.

we/i ain't got NONE of that going on so... we're left stoking hope.  we're hoping the lord will bring us all these things we feel we're lacking...because i'm high maintenance because i live in america and want more than just my basic needs taken care of...... spare the lecture. i know.  but still, it's the world i grew up in and if we're not fulfilled in all aspects of our being we're not going to be satisfied.

so. that is all. that is the honest report from clinton. i am happily married and unsatisfied with life. i'm also slightly excited because seeing as how i'm lacking lots, i'm wide open for options. options that could bring a little spice to life in a way that i haven't experienced yet. WOOT for new friends and new funs things to do!  this is going to be a fun ride.