Sunday, April 15, 2012

unfortunately unnecessarily unintelligent.

riding two horses with one ass is not something the rowdiest rodeo stars, why not pick a side in life? the lines get blurred sometimes and nobody's perfect but can't we just be resigned to a default that always brings us back home?  and can't we do everything in our current power to lessen the blurriness in our lives?  wouldn't life be easier if we were faithful to the loyalties we've got in life?  would more consistency make us as boring as people say?  

i'm hearing people say things about you that aren't good.  hearing what i heard about you might break your heart. but knowing that if what i heard didn't break your heart then it'd break MY heart. because then you're in trouble and you don't care that you're in trouble.  that makes double trouble.

what's unfortunate is unnecessary unintelligence: you don't have to be dumb but you're choosing to be.  you may not see the flames yet but smoke is rising in your life and sooner or later you're going to be one. hot. mess.

and i'm watching the guns pointing at me as i'm pointing at you. i'm concerned with my own life and i'm trying.  wholeheartedly following jesus is a very. very. very gradual process. and there might always be movement in that process but that doesn't imply forward motion, necessarily.  however. i've got grounds to stand on that say what you're doing is wrong.  and so unnecessary.

"it is my eager expectation and hope that i will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death."
-philippians 1:20


  1. good, bad. apparently relative, yet something everyone seems to understand despite their world religion or lack thereof. people choose to do what is right or what is wrong and claim its for jesus, allah, or for no reason but their conscience. what is a conscience? where does it come from?, this post seems to support Jesus and the holly trinity being the basis for moral values, but then why do other people from other places have moral compasses? are they not lost without jesus?

    many people could relate to this post and hating to watch friends or others make morally repugnant decisions, but may claim to believe different gods or no gods at all, so does that fact alone make them morally repugnant? if not then why are they going to "hell"?(as Christians generally refer to it). many religions have a version of punishment if they don't take a monotheistic approach to their lives and refer to all other supposed deities as evil. so how does one know which one is the right path? which side does one pick when moral people exist in all areas, groups and religions of the world?

    i like this blog, it makes me think, keep writing :)

  2. thanks, Roarshach11 for reading my blog! i think you're questions are legit. if those questions AREN'T ever asked in and outside the church i think there's something wrong with us. all your questions are questions that i've wondered about too. as far as which faith we're supposed to chose or which faith is ACTUALLY the right one...if any... what i've come to terms with is that every religion or faith or whatever ya call it is gonna require a certain amount of faith. even a lifestyle based entirely on science requires a level of faith--faith in the findings you chose to believe. i've chosen to base my life on the 'highest bidder', so to speak. the highest bidder in my mind is the faith that doesn't just require 100% FAITH. there's a lot of historical/scientific/factual stuff that makes jesus a good vote to cast your life on. BUT even though my history books say that a man named Jesus more than likely existed and was a good person who died on a cross, i still have to have FAITH that he rose from the dead. i still have to have FAITH that that Jesus was, legit, the son of God. that's just one example. and Jesus is the one who makes the most amount of sense the most consistently. and i do believe that he's the only way to heaven. i've got FAITH that heaven exists. i've got faith that there's a God who cares about me/loves me. and the way i feel when i'm teamed up with Jesus goes beyond having a crutch in life or having some "twisted comfort that keeps away bad dreams at night." Jesus Christ+Holy Spirit+Father (aka trinity) have proven themselves to me in ways that i can only sometimes put into words--it's that fantastic. this faith is ultimately a choice i've made. other people chose to make different choices. they've got faith and i've got faith that our way is the right way. however, when our faiths are compared side by side, every time i see more logic and more sense in my side. obviously, that's why i've chosen it. it's not something i chose simply because i was "raised a certain way." i chose it and CHOOSE it daily because life is truly and purely the best thing ever when i do. no other lifestyle and no other faith has ever made me feel remotely close to the way i live and feel and interact when i'm with jesus.

    i know there's gray area. there's gray area in every belief system. i've chosen to follow jesus. and, for me, it's fricking awesome. i wouldn't want it any other way.

    (lemme know what you think! my email is
