Saturday, August 6, 2011

liza told me to keep 'em short. i was nauseated, myself.

how to sink into a life that hasn't happened yet. what the crap? to process everything that encompasses what i like and what i wanna do tomorrow and the days after... one thing: i like taking things a day at a time. so, picking a career path today that i'll like tomorrow? that's been kinda difficult, ya see.

i've tested the waters in lots of different areas. i like music but heaven help me (literally..i mean that..) if i'm not given outlets outside of teaching music everyday that allow me to be whoever the heck i wanna be on that given day. that sentence was confusing. moving on.

i'm not the teacher type. maybe because i value anything but routine on a daily basis. basically, i hate being teacher-y. and by teacher-y i mean: responsible, organized, and down to business. i like being those things when i need to be...i like being whatever i need to be to get a current job at hand done. however, lots of people probably think i'm irresponsible for my college messyness...(ask me if i care. youdonnknowme)...and, as a lifestyle, i'm really not organized and i'm also a goof. thus, destroying the 'down to business' category. most times, anyway. take for instance, today with my family at culvers i shot a baby tomato (from my mom's salad) out of my mouth at my sister who was sitting quite far from me. part of my grilled cheese flew out of my mouth at the same time as the tomato. mom picked up the soggy bread with her fork and put it back in my mouth.

i'm not a teacher. i'm the kid sitting in detention. let's be honest.

SO. i switched my major in college. aaand didn't save a dime doing it.. but. y'know. god provides. :)

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